Basics of Working with the LGBTQIA+ Community
This presentation is meant to introduce basics of gender, sex and sexual orientation as they connect to the LGBTQIA+ experience.
Suicide Overview: What, Why, and Treatment Options
This webinar will focus on general suicide awareness and how an individual can get to the point - understanding the why and what can a loved one do to support someone struggling.
Addressing Mental Health Stigmas for Frontline Workers
This training is intended for treatment providers and healthcare professionals interested in learning more about mental health stigmas and why front-line works may resist asking for help.
Behavioral Health Awareness for Families
This training is about behavioral health awareness education is crucial for all families, but especially those who have a loved on experiencing a mental health or substance abuse condition.
Understanding Anxiety
This training is an introductory course on anxiety and will highlight the specific forms of anxiety, such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety.
Behavioral Health 101 for First Responders
Participation in this webinar will provide greater awareness and understanding of behavioral health and give insight into every day stressors that can lead to interpersonal issues, maladaptive coping and a decline in day-to-day functioning.