Children with Depression: Workshop for Supporters
This workshop will help break down commonly asked questions by families regarding depression in youth, symptom distinction between GAD and MDD with children, holistic approaches to treatment, and additional resources for navigating collaboration.
Motivational Interviewing - Level Up Your Impact
Participants will develop and practice core skills in Motivational Interviewing, learn the foundational principles of spirit and strategy, and explore ways to incorporate intentional conversations about change into their programs and practices.
What is your EQ?
Emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, and your ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships.
An Introduction to Suicide Prevention
The presentation will take a look at the growing problem of suicide and discuss why people hesitate to intervene and hesitate to ask for help. Michael Crisanto, introduces the basics of QPR and explains the importance of suicide awareness.
Addressing Behavioral Health in the Fire Service
This training is intended for fire service members interested in learning more about mental health stigmas that may influence first responders asking for help for behavioral health concerns.
Resiliency in the Fire Service
This webinar will focus on resiliency in the fire service. Staff members will explore the building blocks of individual resiliency, why it is important and what fire service members can do to create resilient lives, families, and organizations.