Anxiety in High Achievers
This 1 hour session will include a discussion about how anxiety and high stress levels impact us in the short and long term, with a focus on high achieving people and unique ways that anxiety impacts them.
How to Heal Families from Addiction
To beat addiction and codependency, the entire family ecosystem needs to be addressed. Family Addiction Coaching is a proven, step-by-step process to identify challenges within the family ecosystem, create an action plan, and heal the family system.
Understanding the Impact of Trauma
This webinar will examine chronic and cumulative exposure to potentially traumatic events (PTE) within the fire service.
The Impact of Substance Use on Sleep
This presentation will explore myths and misconceptions related to sleep, the importance of sleep on mental health, the impact of various illicit substances on sleep, and a general overview of treatment options for sleep.
Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder
This presentation is intended for individuals interested in learning more about Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), its impact and how to support others throughout the treatment and recovery process.
Post Traumatic Growth for Fire Service Members
This webinar is intended to help members of the community better understand the concept of "post-traumatic growth" (PTG). Participation in this webinar will help the attendee to understand the basics, characteristics, and predictors of PTG.