Understanding Anger and Aggression- A Working Model
This presentation will help participants understand a model and context for understanding anger and aggression. Participants will understand the difference between the emotion of anger and the behavior of aggression.
Anxiety is a Liar
This presentation is meant to help us slow down and identify our own lies and the impact they have on our day to day. Then, we'll discuss concrete tools to use in the moment to help us minimize the impact of our negative self talk/lies.
Sex Addiction Basics
It is important for substance use disorder professionals and mental health counselors to be aware of clients who present with co-occurring sexual compulsivity, more commonly known as sex addiction which can trigger SUD relapse.
Navigating Trauma Informed Care
Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, memory, and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social, and spiritual manifestations.
Trauma Bonds, Types and Love Addiction 101: Recognition and Tools
This presentation will focus on deconstructing two different ways of looking at how adults replay trauma in their lives and how love addiction is connected.
Treating Military Families
This presentation will explore the ways in which spouses and families are impacted when a family member currently works or has worked in a military profession.